Monday, June 21, 2010

This is why we are FAT...

Oh my goodness I don't think I've EVER made something so de-lish in my life. So today I was channeling Betty Crocker and wanted to bake. I was looking for ideas and asked people on Facebook to give me ideas and a girl I went to high school with suggested this marvelous thing call Cookie Cake Pie. All I want to know is why haven't I heard of this before?!?!?! Let me just say how easy it was to make:

  • cookie dough ( I just bought it already made)
  • pie crust
  • cake mix ( I bought the one with all the fun colors)
  • cake frosting (vanilla or buttercream)
Make sure the pie crust is at room tempuerature. Take half of the cookie dough and spread it on the bottom of the pie crust all around.

Prepare the cake batter according to the directions on the box. Once it's prepared pour half the batter on top of the cookie dough. Leave enough room about 1 inch so that it doesn't over flow. You will have left over batter, so I just make cupcakes with it the next day.

Bake at 350 for about 55-60 make sure you check that the cookie dough is cooked. Enjoy =)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Food Revolution in the Hauser House!

So, by now if you all haven't seen Food, Inc. I have to tell you it's a MUST. Whether you want to believe it or not, the things that happen to our food before it gets to the store is appaling!!! Some people just refuse to ignore what is going on when in reality it's affecting our health. People say ignorance is bliss but I think knowledge is power.

Yes, I know that organic food is expensive for some us. Just this weekend I went to Trader Joe's and for a whole chicken it was $12 (gasp!)!! However, I think that the more we purchase and voice our opinion (even organic farmers have stated this) the prices will go down. While at the same time some products are cheaper or the same price. For example, I was able to purchase some organic soy milk (trader joes brand) for the same price at the commissarry $3.49. It's so hard to find organic food here in Fayetteville, the commissary is NO help at all what so ever. They only provide a handful of organic products like cereal fo the kids, which is great cause I swear my kids go through 2 boxes a cereal a week. My military wives friends we need to hound the the commissary, ASAP and make them bring in more organic food! Who's with me?????

I do have to mention that I have a a tiny crush on Jamie Oliver ever since watching Food Revolution. Did any of you see it??? If you haven't and you have children in school, please, please, please what it the things they are feeding our children at school is so disgusting! All to save a few bucks. Tell your PTA or your local school board to change the menu, I now know why Alex takes his lunch to school everyday. Don't forget you can also sign a petition to help better our kids school luches here is the website:

Also don't forget to watch Food, Inc. it will really educate you on what happens to your food before it gets to the dinner table. Remember to think about buying organic food, small changes make a huge difference. We have bought milk, eggs, cereal, bread, and other little thinks that are organic.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Horray for SNOW!

Friday night it started snowing here in North Carolina and we were all very excited. I'm 30 years old and I've been in the snow but never saw it fall. I was like a little kid, with my mouth open up to the sky as the snowflakes fell on my tounge, I guess I can scratch that off my life list. :) Here are some of the pictures I took :

Happy February :)

♥ Joann

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank GOD the groundhog saw his shadow!

HOLA! Well, February is here and it can not leave quick enough! Let me just say that it has been f-f-f-f-reezing here in North Carolina, enough already with the cold weather! I will tell you this for sure I'm NOT repeat NOT cut out to live up north. So with that said COME ON SPRING!!! MAMA IS WAITING!

February as not been that exciting here in the Hauser home. We did manage to travel to Florida to go and visit Ama and Ampa Biscuit Head, as Carter would call him, and go to Animal Kingdom. Carter loved the park Alex was kinda like "meh.." about it. It's a beautiful park especially for the animal lover. I think Alex was expecting more of a rides type of theme park. Either way we all enjoyed ourselves since we got out of the regular routine.

I must mention that we did go on a family rafting ride all together. It was a ride that was supposed to get you a little bit wet, with the expection of ME. I was completely soaked!! Poor Carter got his pants wet and he was so upset. I thought he was upset because the ride was going too fast. Nope, he was upset because his pants got wet! LOL! He even yelled at me, "MOMMY! You make me get my pants wet!" It was too funny! Too bad I don't have any pictures of that!

Carter getting his face painted. I tried to convience Alex to do it but he was not having it. When I asked him he looked at me like I was fire! Gesh!

The Hauser clan on the left and the kids and the grandparents on the right. ;)

I'm also working on my camera features, (all thanks to The Pioneer Woman and her self taught advice on her website) one of my new years resolution is to learn how to work my camera better. Photos will follow this week, I'm going to take it out and snap away this weekend IF its not freezing, lets hope not! Until next time, adios :)
♥ Joann

Monday, December 28, 2009

Yea, Yea I know!

I've noticed as well as you all have that I've become pretty awful at blogging on our page. The whole purpose was for me to do monthly blogs about our family yea well it's been since OCTOBER that I've posted something so I guess you can say that I'm Fired! LOL! Well, since it is about to be the beginning of new year I will be more proactive with this.

Lots has happened I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving as did we. We stayed in town and celebrated with our friends. I also celebrated my 30th still can't believe it so for my sake I'm still 27 years old, ok? :) That was pretty much November in a nutshell.

December is now here and almost gone as well. I've decided that it would be best for me and the family that I leave my job and just focus on going to school full-time and being a mom. Going to school and work full-time was not the smartest idea ever. I thought I could handle it but I felt I was completely ignoring my family I was always in a rush to come home cook dinner, and then my nose was in a book or on the computer doing homework. The weekends were pretty much spent the same way, so its best that I put my family first.
Christmas came so quickly its crazy! we were all good little boys and girl in the Hauser home and got lots of good stuff. I guess I was especially good cause momma got a new laptop. Woo-hoo! Santa must of gotten his list mixed up, but who am I to deny such a great gift? :) The boys have been enjoying their toys if you see our living room it looks like Toys R Us threw up in it!

I hope this New Year brings everyone lots peace, ♥, and happiness from our home to yours! Happy New Year!!!